Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 4th

 This year for the 4th we didn't do much, similar to last year.  There is a parade in our area but it occurs during nap time, so we passed.  I was tempted to buy some fireworks, but passed on that too.  Instead in the morning we decided to hit up some fountains.  Leland of course loved it since there was water involved and a bike ride involved. 

 His patriotic outfit. 
 It is amazing to watch how small things are everything to a kid. 
 Momma did you see that water. 
Climbing up the fountain like the big kids. 

There was also some grilling involved and beer.  

Hopefully we can start shooting off fireworks in the coming years along with attending a parade.  I am a sucker for a parade. 

Joining up with Melissa from Growing up Geeky today with Toddle Along Tuesday.  Go link up and what you did on the 4th!


  1. I love those fountains, how fun is that! Thanks for linking up.

    Stephanie @ My Messmerized Life

  2. Love the fountains and his outfit! E loves water too! She so wants to go in all the water falls and stuff at the Zoo. Unfortunately I am afraid the Zoo keepers wouldn't like that very much!

  3. Aw- I love the fountains. He is such a cutie but you already know that:)
