Saturday, October 15, 2011

International Babywearing Week

Apparently it is International Babywearing Week.

And for those of you who don't baby wear, I seriously don't know how you get anything done. I recently posted about how I am still doing all naps in a carrier, so seriously, how could you get anything done?

Not only do we take naps in carriers, we grocery shop in carriers, we talk walks in carriers, we hold baby in carriers when he wants to be held but mommy needs to do stuff. They are part of our daily routine. And it is really hard to imagine life without them. Especially with traveling via airplane with a baby.

When Leland was first born we started with the moby:

and then I got a BabyBjorn:

and then I got my current fave, the Ergo:

I still use the moby as my go to for nap time, Jeff uses the BabyBjorn around the house and for nap time, and the Ergo is for everything else.

So if you never started baby wearing, your kid probably will hate for you stuffing him in a carrier now. But if you are pregnant now or when you do have a child, use a carrier! They are lifesavers.


  1. The Ergo was my lifesaver when Leila was younger! I really need to learn how to wear her on my back.
