Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful first mother's day thanks to Jeff.  He cooked up a meal of my choice which was clams and linguini, caprese salad, homemade french bread and caramel brownies.  It was all delicious. 
And in the afternoon we went to a brewery in Denver with some friends and I enjoyed a beer while Leland was a very good baby and slept for two hours.  He must have liked all the noise that was going on.

He has a concerned look on his face fairly often, I am thinking he is going to be a serious baby.


  1. That brownie thing looks amazing!!! GOOD JOB JEFF!! Maybe that look is because he is concentrating on pooping lol

    love you guys,

  2. You, the food, and Leo all look great! Glad you had a happy first mother's day.
