Jeff and I have now been in Denver for about 2.5 months. Life is great here! We love seeing the mountains everyday. We love being able to go on hikes on Sundays and only driving 30 minutes to get to the trail head. Both of our jobs are going okay, they are jobs and are good for now. We can pay our bills plus have extra for some fun.
We are currently working on our outdoor collection. We recently bought hiking boots, and a tent. We hope to soon add some sleeping bags and backpacks to that collection.
I have been getting into yoga, there is a studio very close to our apartment which is very nice.
We have had some visitors since moving out here and those visits have been very nice. My parents came out for a weekend, same with Christine and Ryan, also my cousin was in Denver for a day. Jeff's parents will be making a trip soon too. We love having visitors, so anyone reading this, don't be shy!
I am really looking forward to going to Wakarusa this summer, it will probably be my only real vacation, but it will worth it.
I think that is all for now, I will try to update this more often and start updating our picture site too.